Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Girls in Pretty Clothes

So yesterday I read Prov. 31 with my boys, because it was the 31st, and well, that's just how we roll over here.

I asked a couple of questions, voiced a few observations, and that was it - we hurried off to the rest of our busy morning routine.

This morning, however, Glendon announced that he wanted to share "what he learned yesterday". I will type with his choice of words, so that none of the wisdom is lost in translation:

"The Mom was telling her son what kind of lady to marry, and she said to stay away from the girls in pretty clothes because they have evil hearts. The Mom told the king to just go ahead and marry a lady with dirty clothes (G must have missed the part about scarlett and tapestry, but ok....) who has Jesus in her heart. Your really have to watch out for those ladies in those pretty cloths (here we're jumping into Prov. 5 a bit) because those pretty clothes are not private, and those ladies just want to take all of the men to the dark side."

So, all you girls in those pretty, but not private, clothes, watch out! My 6 yr old is on to ya!


WiJoyMom said...

thanks for sharing

Living Stone said...

Thanks, WiJoyMom! The notification of your comment triggered me to come back and re-read this post. I laughed all over again!

Can I ask who you are? I'm probably supposed to know, but can't recall if I know the lady behind WiJoyMom.... =)