Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Wow, what a busy day it's been at our house. The "Spring Cleaning" bug officially bit me this morning and I got off to a good start by cleaing all of the globes/light fixtures in our home. Glendon was a great little helper - padding around from room to room behind me as I worked. He is such a joy!!!

Then we made a big batch of homemade marinara sauce, and a batch of baby food fruit for GP. Afternoon naps. The weekly dusting. A walk around the neighborhood. Supper prep. Dinner. Bath time. Playing ball with Daddy. GP's Bedtime. Blog time. Amazing Race. My Pillow!!!

I will leave you with a fun photo taken at our Saturday evening HKS (Hemmigs, Knapps and Schulz) dinner.
Karrie on left mothers the one and only girl, Lina, and Jackson - in green.
Lindsay, in the middle, mothers Jackson (stripes) and baby Emerson (not pictured).
I mother Glendon, who loves playing with these little friends!!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Kelly- it's fun to read your blog.

Love dad

Jack-on-the-Lake said...

You impress me with your homemade baby food operation! I made squash...once...back in 2002. Jackson liked it :)