Monday, October 19, 2009

On Consideration of Self and God's Amazing Grace

The statements below are based upon some readings in a book by Thomas A'Kempis.
I originally read them on July 1st, but God took me back to their truth today!

Because of my depravity, these sentiments have not always been the cry of my heart, but through the power of His word, they have fast become the desperate yearnings of my soul!

"I must fight long and bravely against myself before I learn to master myself fully and to direct all my affections toward God. When I trust in myself, I easily take to human consolation. As a true lover of Christ, however, who sincerely pursues virtue, I ought not to fall back upon consolations nor seek such pleasures of sense, but prefer severe trials and hard labors for the sake of Christ.

When, therefore, spiritual consolation is given to me by God, I receive it gratefully, but understand that it is His gift and not my meriting. I do not exult, I am not presumptuous, but I am the humbler for the gift, more careful and wary in all of my actions, for this hour will pass and temptation will come in its wake.

I do not desire consolation that robs me of contrition, nor do I care for contemplation that leads to pride, for not all that is high is holy, nor is all that is sweet good, nor every desire pure, nor all that is dear to us pleasing to God. I accept willingly the grace whereby I become more humble and contrite, more willing to renounce self.

As I have been taught by the gift of grace, and as I have learned by the lash of its withdrawal, I will never dare to attribute any good to myself, but will rather admit my poverty and emptiness. I give to God what is God's and ascribe to myself what is mine. I give Him thanks, then, for His grace, but place upon myself alone the blame and the punishment my fault deserves. "

And the sweet result - the richness of
On-My-Face worship before my Holy God!

"Thank you, Jesus, for Your cross."

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