Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bathtime, Dishes and Other Things....

Once upon a time, there was a father, mother and small child and this is the tale of their Tuesday evening.

After dinner, the father and mother went about their usual pursuits - she to tackle the kitchen, and he to spend his "Daddy time" with his small son, which consists of bathing and preparing for bed. As she was scrubbing her frying pan there came some cries for assistance in the child's room. The mother quickly discarded her yellow rubber gloves, and ran in to find her husband in the midst of cleaning up a very full diaper, and people, this one was a doozey. The poor father had run out of wipes, so she grabbed him a refill and things were back on track in a matter of minutes.

Back at the sink, she enjoyed hearing the sounds of father and son splashing and getting clean (or the bathroom getting wet - however you look at it). Eventually, the father removed the small, wet child from the tub and hurried him into the bedroom to advance on the dressing process. Suddenly again there were cries for the mother to drop everything(this time the pasta pot) and HELP, which she did. Upon entering the room, there was a small fountain taking place and drenching most of the father's pant leg. I guess using the towel for coverage wasn't considered and things were just happening as nature would so have it.

Both parents found themselves full of laughter, the small boy alternating between joining in and looking very confused. Pants were changed, carpets were cleaned, and the baby is sleeping soundly in bed. Upon surviving this circus, the father and mother wonder to themselves how they'll ever handle two, and then they remember the laughter. What a joy children are, and may we always have time to laugh!!!

1 comment:

Jack-on-the-Lake said...

Fun entry! Glendon is just preparing you for potty training for sure :)