Sunday, January 08, 2006

We're back...

Hey all...

Thanks for your prayers. We had a wonderful time up at FORT. I had no clue I could personally do so much physical labor in 48 hours, but we both had a blast and are home now. We're sore, tired, cranky, messy etc, but we're home!!!

Highlights were:

Hours of Cribage in the van... certainly gave us opportunities to see each other's true colors... in a good way, of course.

Kelly and Danielle loading, moving and unloading 3 truck loads of chopped wood. How we girls got assigned that job is still unknown, but we impressed many with our strength and speed. I guess lifting a 23 lb baby every two minutes does pay off !!

Steve and the guys did allot of outdoor work....maintianing broomball courts, shoveling off the ice rink, patching tubes for the sledding hills etc. They also ran a tight ship in the dish pit...oh yeah!!! Serving five meals to 200+ people was exciting. You can't imagine how much food kids can eat after playing in the snow all day.

The greatest moment was when Danielle and I had tubing hill duty. You're supposed to sit at the top of the hill and keep an eye on the kids as they go down the runs. Well, we were dead tired, and there weren't any kids on the hill at that moment, so we grabbed our sleeping bags and layered on all of the warm clothes we had. After trudging to the top of the hill, we spread a bed of sorts with innertubes and zipped ourselves into our sleeping bags and just chilled out - literally. Funny thing was, we actually fell asleep, and guess how I we woke up. Our beloved Youth Pastor happened to find us - slacking on the job - and gave us both a hard shove, so yes, we were flying down the hill. Tubes were spreading everywhere, and we had no control due to being zipped into the bags. After letting us panic for a moment at the bottom, Andrew did come down with our boots, and we all made it home fine. Good bonding, I'd say - embarrassing as well.

My bed is calling my name loudly.... Must run!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha!!!!!!! I just read this now!
Raquel :)